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Roulstone remark on discrimination hits sour note with LGBT community

Recent remarks from George Town East candidate Sharon Roulstone regarding discrimination in Cayman have struck a sour note with LGBT activists.

“I mean, there is discrimination for women at work, for example, but I am not aware that there is any particular group that has been targeted for their beliefs or values,” said Ms. Roulstone at the 8 May Chamber of Commerce candidates forum. “I just don’t see where there’s any outright discrimination against that particular demographic. They can own homes, they can work, they can visit public places, they have the same rights and liberties as anyone else.” 

Colours Cayman coordinator Billie Bryan told Cayman 27 she disagrees with Ms. Roulstone’s characterization that there is no outright discrimination against the LGBT community. Ms. Bryan told Cayman 27 she considers herself an advocate for women’s rights, and acknowledges the discrimination women face in all walks of life, but said she and others in the LGBT community experience discrimination on an almost daily basis.

“Let’s be honest,” said Ms. Bryan. “They don’t face the same kind of challenges, women as a whole, as LGBTQ people do, as in there is no fear-mongering or there’s no hateful speech towards women in general.”

Ms. Bryan described the name-calling and threats of vioilence she experienced.

“I’ve had threats, I’ve had people be physical with me, I’ve been name called. I know what it’s like,” said Ms. Bryan. 

Cayman 27 reached out to Ms. Roulstone Friday (19 May), who said she doesn’t mean to minimise anyone’s plight, and would never tolerate targeting anyone because of their sexual preference.

Tagsdiscrimination LGBT

About the author

Joe Avary

Joe Avary has been with Cayman 27 since 2014. He brings 20 years in television experience to the job, working hard every day to bring the people of Cayman stories that inform the public and make a difference in the community. Joe hopes his love for the Cayman Islands shines through in his informative and entertaining weather reports. If you have a story idea for Joe or just want to say hello, call him at or send an email to

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