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Cayman International School 2nd graders Skype a scientist

Second graders at Cayman International School got a special Science lesson using social media technology.
On Friday (13 October) roughly 12 students got to Skype call scientist Jennifer Stern, who taught them about her studies on the North Pole, polar bears and the effects of Climate Change.
“With Climate Change and global warming the sea ice is melting,” she told the students.
Teacher Amanda Brown skyped with the scientist, an Arctic Ecologist based out of Seattle Washington, to give her students the opportunity to learn firsthand about life in the Arctic and the impact of Climate Change.
“If you throw [materials] in the garbage, it sometimes ends up in the ocean,” said Lucas Foster, a 2nd-grade student.

“The kids are so curious and really want to encourage them to learn more and know that they have the potential to make a big impact on our planet,” said Ms. Brown.
Cayman International School will be hosting more skype a scientist sessions throughout the school year.

About the author

Reshma Ragoonath

Reshma Ragoonath is a Trinidadian journalist with 18 years media experience with a strong background in print with her most recent stint at The Cayman Reporter. She has a BA in Mass Communications, as well as, an Associate degree in Journalism and Public Relations.

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