The Law Reform Commission is calling for public input on its discussion paper on Mortgage Law reform in Cayman.
The 42-page document is now open for public comment and recommendations.
It explores existing laws that pertain to the local mortgage process.
It also takes a closer look at the local foreclosures procedures.
The Commission is suggesting reform of the existing legislation.
The discussion paper suggests some provisions of the Registered Lands Law could be clarified.
The Commission has suggested that consideration be given to deciding if separate legislation dealing with residential foreclosures should be introduced here.
Read the discussion paper here:
Mortgage Enforcement Reform Discussion Paper 23 November 2018 PUBLISHED FINAL
The Paper may also be viewed on the following website: or or a copy may be collected from the Office of the Commission.
Submissions should be forwarded no later than 30 April, 2019 to the Director of the Law Reform Commission, 4th Floor Government Administration Building, Portfolio of Legal Affairs, 133 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman, P.O. Box 136, Grand Cayman KY1-9000 either (a) electronically to or (b) in writing, by post or hand delivered.
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