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DCFS appeals for foster families

The Department of Children and Family Services hopes to increase the amount of foster homes available for children in need and to that, they are appealing for your support.

Children enter foster homes when their safety is compromised in their own family homes and that can range from neglect to child abuse.

The DCFS currently has 13 foster homes, but those at the department want to increase that number to at least 18.

“Like any other parent they’d be there to provide love, care, support, guidance, nurturing and all aspects of the child’s life, they would provide a safe and stable home environment for the child to sort of know that they are cared for, know that they are loved and just be able to provide for their needs,” said DCFS Social Worker Lydia Watling.

Please call to learn more.

About the author

Philipp Richter

Philipp Richter was born in Austria and moved to the Cayman Islands at the age of three. Throughout his life, he has always enjoyed documenting his surroundings with cameras. Studying television broadcasting and communications, he now can show the reality of life in Grand Cayman to the public.

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