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Suckoo questions motive of petition, says it could be dangerous

An online petition calling for acting Governor Hon. Franz Manderson to be permanently appointed to the post as the first Caymanian Governor is picking up steam.
But one MLA says the petition could be dangerous and those supporting it should think twice.
As the new petition makes the rounds calling for Mr. Manderson to be named Cayman’s first Caymanian Governor, Deputy Opposition Leader Alva Suckoo says it’s not sitting well with him.

He said he supports Mr. Manderson and believes he does a good job, but he is suspicious of the motive behind the petition.

“My position is that this may be a little dangerous,” he said.

The petition was filed under the username- Good Governance. No details on the user are provided and as of Thursday (2 August) around 700 signatures were filed.

“I do not think the idea is compatible with what is written in the Constitution. I am not opposed to a Caymanian being in that role. However, under the current constitution framework. I do not think it will not be doing them any justice,” he said.

He said he believes the petition could be used as a mandate for constitutional changes to take Cayman to independence, something the islands are not ready for.

Those behind the petition issued a message clarifying they are not petitioning for independence. They say they are petitioning for a Caymanian Governor.

Mr. Suckoo issued a statement on the petition on Wednesday (1 August) night to read the statement here: Opposition Responds to Manderson Petition

About the author

Reshma Ragoonath

Reshma Ragoonath is a Trinidadian journalist with 18 years media experience with a strong background in print with her most recent stint at The Cayman Reporter. She has a BA in Mass Communications, as well as, an Associate degree in Journalism and Public Relations.

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