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Once ordinary garbage, upcycled artworks now an Earth Day exhibition

A special Earth Day exhibition is showcasing upcycled art made from plastic trash and other debris washed up on our shores.

You may have seen this eye catching mural of famed guitar player Jimi Hendrix near the Cayman National roundabout. It’s made with hundreds of bottle caps that were once litter.

Premier Crew is hosting a collection of upcycled works throughout this month to celebrate Earth Day.

“We have this large marlin piece just in plain sight, so it gets people through the door just wanting to view all the pieces, and [they are] just kind of blown away at the fact that all of these pieces could be created with garbage found on clean ups,” said Sabrina Stecyk, manager of Premier Crew.

The exhibition includes artwork from Stoak’d, the Trash Talks collective, as well as students from Triple-C school.

About the author

Joe Avary

Joe Avary

Joe Avary has been with Cayman 27 since 2014. He brings 20 years in television experience to the job, working hard every day to bring the people of Cayman stories that inform the public and make a difference in the community. Joe hopes his love for the Cayman Islands shines through in his informative and entertaining weather reports. If you have a story idea for Joe or just want to say hello, call him at or send an email to

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